If you’re just bringing your Klee Kai puppy home, this article will cover everything you need to know about housing your dog. We have included a few ideas for a play and sleep area, different types of crates (their benefits and downsides), and more.
Containing your Klee Kai Puppy
When you bring home your new baby, you will want to make sure they are safe. There are many dog cages and play areas you might consider purchasing; however, it’s essential to understand the risks with specific models (and keep away from them!).
Below, you will find the safest options so you can keep your new Klee Kai puppy happy and safe.
Crates and Transport Cages

You should use soft side crates to take your baby out with you safely. When you’ve just adopted a puppy, these are also great sleeping houses if you do not sleep with you in bed. Soft crates are, in fact, the perfect nighttime containment option for the first week. All you need to do is put your Klee Kai in their crate on the nightstand!
If you want a rally good soft crate for your Klee Kai, I particularly like and recommend the Sherpa brand. Just one thing to keep in mind if you buy one, though: You should not leave your puppy unattended in them as they can chew a hole through the material and then escape!
When you transition to crate training (when the puppy transitions to the floor), you can then use plastic crates like the one pictured here. This is also the better choice when you need to leave your puppy alone, as it will keep it safe.
One important note: DO NOT USE WIRE CRATES! Klee Kais get their teeth stuck in them, which will lead to broken teeth or even a broken jaw.
Play and Sleep Area

When leaving your Klee Kai unattended, you should try to always create a play and sleep area.
I recommend using the Clearly Loved Pet ones, as they are the safest playpens. However, they tend to be a little expensive and relatively small, so there are few alternatives.

The playpens made by Precision are an excellent choice if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option. But there’s one ESSENTIAL thing you need to keep in mind: The space between the top wire and the next wire down.
There needs to be at least four inches between the two. This is a must-have in a playpen because the cage will not catch your Klee Kai leg if they try to jump over.
DO NOT USE ANY LIKE THE ONE PICTURED HERE (I’ve marked the top wires in red).
At the top of this pen (and this is something that happens with many brands), there is only a one-inch space between the two wires.
This means that your Klee Kai can get their leg stuck in it easily if they climb over. This has led to broken legs and even death, so DO NOT purchase this type of playpen!

Other Klee Kai Housing Considerations
It is okay to leave your Klee Kai loose in the house or dedicated doggie room. You just have to make sure you puppy-proof the area first.
The first thing to do is check that the puppies cannot get to any electric cords (because they might try to chew them). Even if the cord is under furniture, make sure your Klee Kai cannot squeeze in and get to the cords.
If you are not able to secure the cords, you can use a Scat Mat indoor training mat (you can find them on Amazon). Just place it in front of anywhere you do not want your puppy to be. Scat mats work great in front of closed doors because the puppies won’t be able to dig through the carpet.
Lastly, make sure all your houseplants are higher up and keep any plastic bags or small objects they can chew in drawers or stored away.