Are you looking for famous Klee Kai doggies from Nordic Mini Huskys? Here are some rising stars that have their own social media following. Explore videos, see pictures, and read stories about these famous Alaskan Klee Kai below. 

Cooper and Skye from Life With Klee Kai

Cooper and Skye are a pair of Alaskan Klee Kai dogs originally from the Bay Area in California and now living in the Cotswolds. Cooper is a red and white Alaskan Klee Kai, and Skye is black and white.

Cooper and Sky are half-siblings and currently have more than 210,000 followers on Instagram, 500,000 subscribers on YouTube, and 4.2 million TikTok fans! The pair also collaborates with several partners, including Amazon Prime, Butternut Box, King, Swyft, and others.

Check their site: Life with Klee Kai

Riley and Creature

Riley and Creature have their own Instagram account. However, they share their youtube with their mom: Glam&Gore. You can see them in a lot of her videos (and a few of them feature them exclusively). 

YouTube (Glam&Gore):

Pukaki the Klee Kai

Pukaki is an Alaskan Klee Kai with a growing following. This gorgeous boy now lives in Lake Pukaki, New Zealand, and has hundreds of followers who love to see videos ad pictures of him. 
